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(A Cosmic Adventure)

Price: $ 30.00

Condition: New

Isbn: 9788174341815

Publisher: Rajhans Prakashan

Binding: Hardcover

Language: English

Genre: Educational,

Publishing Date / Year: 2015

No of Pages: 1500

Weight: 1500 Gram

Total Price: $ 30.00

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Why does the Sun shine?\nWhat makes the planets go back and forth in the sky?\nWhat are eclipses?\nQuestions like these presented challenges to human intellect… some of them took centuries to solve….\nBut there is no end to this cosmic quest!\nWhen a few outstanding mysteries are resolved, Nature comes out with more.\nStars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, superclusters,….\nBlack holes, pulsars the timekeepers, the powerful yet compact quasars…. what are these objects?\nAnd of course the expanding universe… did it start with\na big bang?\nHow are today’s scientists facing these challenges?\nHere is a chance to view and savour the universe in\nthis COSMIC ADVENTURE.