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India Of My Dreams

Price: $ 3.27

Condition: New

Isbn: 9788172290023

Publisher: Navajivan Trust

Binding: Paperback

Language: English

Genre: History,Literature and Language,Novels and Short Stories,

Publishing Date / Year: 2001

No of Pages: 344

Weight: 0.66 Pound Pound

Total Price: $ 3.27

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India of My Dreams Everything in India attracts me. It has everything that a human being with the highest possible aspirations can want. India is essentially karmabhumi (land of duty) in contradistinction to bhogabhumi (land of enjoyment). India is one of the few nations on the earth which have retained some of their ancient institutions although they have been overlaid with superstition and error. But she has hitherto shown an inherent capacity for purging herself of error and superstition. My faith in her ability to solve the economic problems that face her millions has never been so bright as it is today. I feel that India’s mission is different from that of others. India is fitted for the religious supremacy of the world. There is no parallel in the world for the process of purification that this country has voluntarily undergone. India is less in need to steel weapons, it has fought with divine weapons, it can still do so. Other nations have been votaries of brute force. The terrible war going on in Europe furnishes a forcible illustration of the truth. India can win all by should force. History supplies numerous instances to prove that brute force is as nothing before soul force. Poets have sung about it and seers have described their experiences.