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Light Of India Or Message Of Mahatmaji

Price: $ 3.00

Condition: New

Isbn: 9788172293109

Publisher: Navajivan Trust

Binding: Paperback

Language: English

Genre: Reference,Literature and Language,History,

Publishing Date / Year: 2002

No of Pages: 294

Weight: 0.44 Pound Pound

Total Price: $ 3.00

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The `Light of India’ or `Message of Mahatmaji’ is an original effort of Shri M.S. Deshpande to construct and present as one whole, Gandhiji’s philosophy of life – the Goal as well the Means to attain it. Gandhiji has written voluminously and on a variety of subjects in all matters and all aspects touching our life. It is not possible for every reader to go through the whole and cull out the essence, in a co -ordinated form, for his guance. Shri Deshpande has attempted this and I believe pretty successfully. I believe the title `Light of India’ is taken from the well-known `Light of Asia’. Looking to the intrinsic value of the philosophy and its acknowledgment, practically by the whole world, I should have preferred `Light of the World’. But I have no quarrel with the author for the title. Whatever limitations the word `of India’ may imply, there is no doubt, that whosoever reads it does get `Light’.