Print Length
176 pages
Rupa Publications Co.
Publication date
1 January 2017
0.43 pound
How do we take Gandhi’s messages further, as lessons that could bring about change in and around us? Perhaps a healthy dose of non-violent, solution-focused activities stemming from Gandhian principles would be a more productive approach both at school and at home, especially for the citizens of tomorrow.How do we teach our youngsters non-violence is a conscious choice; that we need to rise against injustices; that ‘hope in action’ and ‘moving from apathy to action’ are of supreme importance; and that ‘satyagraha’ is the very foundation we stand on?This book literally equips teachers and parents with tools and strategies for peace-building. For teachers, it takes these into the rigorous academic classroom; for parents, it is a guide to how they can build better relationships with their children whilst helping them step forward into a better world. The Gandhi Experiment teaches teenagers global citizenship, conflict resolution, anger management, forgiveness and how to mould their thoughts for a more positive future.Using thirty-plus years of experience, Margaret Hepworth combines concepts, techniques and practices, creating activities that engage, provide equity and enable teenagers to make powerful and positive choices for a better tomorrow.
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