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The Five Love Languages Of Children

Author: Gary

Price: $ 11.91

Condition: New

Isbn: 9788183220675

Publisher: Manjul Publication

Binding: Paperback

Language: English

Genre: Parenting & Relationship,

Publishing Date / Year: 2007

No of Pages: 350

Weight: 225 Gram

Total Price: $ 11.91

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The Five Love Languages of Children Learn the primary language in which your child understands love best. Recognize and speak your child's primary love language which will help your child know that you love him. Discover how to express unconditional feelings of respect, affection and commitment that will resonate in their souls - and inspire them for the rest of their lives. If your love language is different from your children’s, you’d better learn to translate - fast. Or you could miss your chance to meet their deepest emotional needs.