Print Length
602 pages
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Publication date
1 January 2020
1.77 Pound
The book can be seen as a pathway towards reversing the downward trend of civilisation. Though there are no conclusions or choices to offer, some are suggested by the author. The book is about the growth and development of culture and the evolution of civilization. The approach to the topic is historical and philosophical. Many questions are asked making the reader pause and think of answers.
The author has written about the creation of the universe and human beings, the role of man and woman and how some of the crisis can be solved if deep thought is given to the problems. The problems are there. Education, culture and organization need to be changed but nothing will happen suddenly. The problems have to be understood deeply and seriously, and then it is only patience that will solve the problems. However patience should not be taken to mean inactiveness, indolence or dependency on others. Poverty, population and pollution are also the problems facing mankind which need to be solved. All these are discussed in the book.
One of the main themes is the upliftment of women. The author has discussed about the various problems faced by women, how these started and how they can be solved. The thought process of our countrymen need a sea change if our problems are to be solved, suggests the author.
out of 5