Print Length
199 pages
Manjul Publication
Publication date
1 January 2018
299 Gram
The book has laughter, wit, pathos, spirituality, anger - in a nutshell, it attempts to capture comprehensively almost all emotions and facets of human existence and to provide solace and support for each with an appropriate quotation, taken from the mouths of our path finders, seers and servants.
- Abhisekh Singhvi
Member of Parliament, Spokesperson (INC)
Gems of knowledge are 'Pearls of Wisdom'. these pearls come in the form of quotes, which are inspirational writings by the world's greatest thinkers. These quotations enlighten our minds and enthuse our hearts. They are the essence of what the wisest men of the world have said and are packed with wisdom and experience of ages.
This wisdom and experiences can be preserved through quotations. The quotes and proverbs in this book reflect the experiences of our lives.
To inspire means to infuse with life. Such inspiring quotes by the world's most prominent thinkers, do influence our thinking, arouse us from our dampened spirits, and enliven our sensitivity to the meaning of our lives. Such motivational ideas and quotes also exalt us by strengthening our hearts and resorting confidence in our souls.
PEARLS OF WISDOM is a logical English corollary. Its a masterly collection of utterances of famous persons and proverbs on topics touching our day to day life.
Its a book one keeps on one;s bedside for reference.
out of 5