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The Mind of J. Krishnamurthi

Price: $ 15.28

Condition: New

Isbn: 9788172242138

Publisher: Jaico Publishing House

Binding: Paperback

Language: English

Genre: Religion and Philosophy,

Publishing Date / Year: 1989

No of Pages: 336

Weight: 436 Gram

Total Price: $ 15.28

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New Reformated Edition The Mind of J Krishnamurti is a must read for those who want to know the brilliant mind of J. Krishnamurti. Call him what you like, a philosopher, theosophist, psychologist, spiritualist or a teacher he has carved a place among the greats. The book contains a collection of commentaries, reviews and evaluations of his thoughts. It is a compendium perceived and understood by his many admirers among who were Aldous Huxley and Henry Miller.