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Wealth Of Food Health Of Heart

Price: $ 3.00

Condition: New

Isbn: 9788172291013

Publisher: Navajivan Trust

Binding: Paperback

Language: English

Genre: Health and Healing,Diet,

Publishing Date / Year: 2005

No of Pages: 59

Weight: 0.11 Pound Pound

Total Price: $ 3.00

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The incence of coronary artery disease in India, has shown a steady increase during the past few decades. In contrast, in Western countries there has been a steady decrease n the incence of this dreaded disease. These opposing trends highlight the fact that we are not paying enough attention to preventive measures. One of the important risk factors implicated in the causation of coronary artery disease is a rich diet. The Indian diet is largely unbalanced and has been handed on to us from ancient times when we d not know much about their ill effects on the body. We consume far too much of sugar, starch and saturated fats and unlike our forefathers are generally not active enough to metabolize what we eat. If we take simple dietary precautions starting as early as in early childhood, we can actively discourage the development of coronary atherosclerosis. This is what is referred to as primary prevention.