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Studies In Gandhism

Price: $ 4.28

Condition: New

Isbn: 9788172292096

Publisher: Navajivan Trust

Binding: Paperback

Language: English

Genre: Educational,Reference,

Publishing Date / Year: 2012

No of Pages: 326

Total Price: $ 4.28

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Shri N.K. Bose delivered into our hands the manuscript of Studies in Gandhism some time in August 1969. Owing to the pressure of work in our Press we could not take up the work earlier as desired In spite of our best efforts, we regret, we could not place a printed copy of this book in the hands of the author while he was alive. His sad demise took place in October 1972. We are, however, sure his spirit will forgive us. This is the fourth revised edition of Studies in Gandhism. The first was published in 1940, the second in 1947 and the third in 1962. The previous three editions were published by other publishers. The author Shri N.K. Bose is well known to our readers as the distinguished author of our publication Selections from Gandhi, in the Foreword of which Mahatma Gandhi himself has written words in appreciation of the thoroughness with which the author has gone into the subject and sa that those who were interested in his writings could not fail to appreciate the author’s labours. We hope the present work will receive a warm welcome from our readers.