Iconic Trees Of India

By S. Natesh

Iconic Trees Of India

By S. Natesh


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Print Length

256 pages




Roli Books

Publication date

1 January 2024




No two trees are the same. To really know trees, we must understand them. Because to understand trees is to understand life itself. Iconic Trees of India is a celebration of the country?s most remarkable trees that have stood witness to its vibrant history and become envoys of its culture. Complemented by original watercolours, the book details each legendary tree along with its historical and cultural importance. What makes a giant sequoia in Kashmir the loneliest tree of India? What is the dark history behind a peepal tree near Jabalpur? And how does a banyan tree in Hoskote host millions of bees? The answers to these questions and many more are told in detail, weaving together culture, communities, folklore and socio-political commentary. S. Natesh has spent over a decade travelling to far-flung areas to research and document these talismans of nature. Take this book along on your next travel and spot these iconic trees, spend time with them to unravel the clues to India?s unique ecological heritage. With the rising importance of trees in the fight against climate change, this book is an important read, packed with astonishing information that reawakens our sense of wonder at the fascinating world we live in.

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