By D. L. Bijur
By D. L. Bijur
Print Length
172 pages
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Publication date
1 January 2020
0.82 Pound
The book is a thought on the need for synthesis 'of everything, all existence, all that is perceived, felt, said, written, done and thought of'. It contains various letters on different topics written by the author and published in newspapers and elsewhere. The Times of India has published several of them.
The book presents what the author considers as his 'Working Hypothesis' of a synthesis of science, philosophy and religion and, based on that, a strategy to be followed in the near future for the physical, social, educational, economic, political and spiritual welfare of humanity. It also indicates how a World Language and a World Government can be evolved, how the causes of conflicts can be eliminated, how total integration of humanity can be achieved and last but not the least, how to promote the spiritual progress of men so as to enable them to become supermen.
The book urges people to express their views on the subjects dealt with in the book and work for these objectives by giving their support to experts in these fields. They should aim at making the governments and the United Nations and its agencies realise the objectives.
out of 5