Print Length
113 pages
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Publication date
1 January 2003
The book is one of the three published by the Bhavan. The stories are based on chivalry, bravery and other values and are illustrated with sketches, truly representative of the folk art and the environment of the contemporary Saurashtra. Each story carries a map of Saurashtra showing the sites of these stories.
Thirteen stories titled 'Jatashankar, the village courier,', 'A gharasiya woman,' 'A deed', 'Hospitality' and others are included in this book. Jatashankar is a village courier who begins talking to a couple walking form one village to another at night. Dacoits attack them and he dies while protecting the woman. Her husband goes away but she commits sati on the pyre of Jatashankar, an acquaintance of just an hour or so because he fought for her honour. Stories like these which show the courage, the principles and the thinking of people of Saurashtra are told in this book.
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