
ABOUT US was born out of a conviction that a society’s greatest asset is its culture. It is the centerpiece of both tradition and innovation and thus should be celebrated in its many forms.

Southeast Asia has an especially storied history that has accumulated over the years an immense trove of classical music, movies, and texts. Our goal at iMusti is to capture this content and bring it to your fingertips, accessible anywhere and anytime. We are continuously working with record labels, artists, and authors to provide you access to these works in both their physical and digital forms.

iMusti is a strong supporter of fair artist compensation. In fact, our model for a society based deeply in the fundamentals of culture is dependent on sustaining artistic creativity. Therefore, iMusti does not support any unauthorized streaming or publishing of media. All of the material available on is licensed or purchased directly from the owner.

This allows us to provide our members with the highest quality content in a uniquely organized manner.Whatever your interests are, we are confident that you will enjoy what we have to offer. After all, our name originates from the Sanskrit word “Masti” which means fun! So have some fun, you deserve it!