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My Religion

Price: ₹ 100.00

Condition: New

Isbn: 9788172291693

Publisher: Navajivan Trust

Binding: Paperback

Language: English

Genre: Culture and Religion,

Publishing Date / Year: 2011

No of Pages: 174

Total Price: 100.00

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As Gandhiji’s life consisted in nothing but seeking to practice his religion to the best of his ability, an attempt has been made in this volume to present to the reader extracts from Gandhiji’s writings and speeches, which will give a fairly full picture of Gandhiji’s religion. The task has not been easy. The very fact that religion was the mainspring of Gandhiji’s activities means that all that he sa and d throughout his public career, not only in the realm of religion proper but also in the spheres of politics, economics and social life, become relevant to this volume. For him a religion which d not concern itself with every se of life was not religion at all. That being the case, no account of his religion can be adequate which does not present his entire philosophy of conduct, whether in indivual or social life.