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Gandhi In Cartoons

Price: ₹ 300.00

Condition: New

Publisher: Navajivan Trust

Binding: Paperback

Language: English

Genre: Decorative Art and Hobbies,Children,

Publishing Date / Year: 2016

No of Pages: 300

Total Price: 300.00

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Hundreds of cartoons on Gandhi appeared in his lifetime all over the world. Those included are neither exhaustive nor conclusive in representing the way Gandhi was portrayed. Hardly any country’s Press failed to notice him. Gandhi was often the butt of cartoonists who looked at the world from the angle of the white man’s mission of “civilizing” the non-whites. As often, those who came to scoff remained to pray. Perhaps this book proves an easy and very effective medium for understanding the evolution of Gandhi as a politician – saint and the impact he made on the history of India and of the human race. This compilation of 112 cartoons drawn by famous cartoonists, foreign and Indian, should help to make future generations believe that such a one d walk upon this earth. Indeed, his flesh and his figure seemed eally suited for their brush and imagination.