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Gandhiji's Autobiography

Price: $ 3.00

Condition: New

Isbn: 9788172290948

Publisher: Navajivan Trust

Binding: Paperback

Language: English

Genre: Memoir and Biography,History,Novels and Short Stories,

Publishing Date / Year: 2014

No of Pages: 232

Weight: 0.33 Pound Pound

Total Price: $ 3.00

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The translation had the benefit of Gandhiji's revision. “My purpose,” writes Gandhiji in the Introduction of the book, “being to give an account of various practical applications of the principles of Truth and Non-violence, I have given the chapters the title of The Story of My Experiments with Truth. My purpose is to describe experiments in the science of Satyagrah, not to say how good I am. In judging myself I shall try to be as harsh as truth, as I want others also to be.”