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Shrimadbhagvat Mahapuranamu Vachanamu (శ్రీమద్భగవత్ మహాపురాణము వచనము)

Price: $ 14.02

Condition: New

Publisher: Gita Press

Binding: Hardcover

Language: Telugu

Genre: Shrimad-Bhagvat,Culture & Religion,Adhyatmik,Devotional,Puran,

Publishing Date / Year: 2016

No of Pages: 250

Weight: 400 Gram

Total Price: $ 14.02

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Srimadbhagvat Mahapuran has occupied its place as a crest-jewel among all the Indian literature. It is a step towards the path of devotion as the same had been recited to king Parikshit by the Lord Shukdev. Its each Shloka is full of fragrance with Sri Krishna's love. This voluminous didactic doctrine contains the means of knowledge, a pathway to devotion.